
Thank you for visiting the Loch Lloyd Future Land Use Plan and Land Use Policies webpage. Here, you will find the information shared at the Public Open House sessions that were held on November 14th. These activities will be open from November 14th through November 30th. Activities include:

  • Review and comparisons of the Future Land Use Plans Option B1 and B2
  • Review of the proposed land use policies
  • Short survey of items related to the Future Land Use Plans and land use policies

Future Land Use Plan Option B1

Future Land Use Plan Option B1

Existing Conditions Option B1

Future Land Use Plan Option B2

Future Land Use Plan Option B2

Existing Conditions Option B2

Land Use Policies

The following are proposed land use policies to use when rezonings come to the Planning + Zoning Commission and Board of Trustees. Please review the land use policies to answer questions related to them in the surveys tab.


Approval of any rezoning request within the Village of Loch Lloyd shall be contingent upon (a) the determination by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Village Board of Trustees that the proposed rezoning is substantially consistent with the then-existing Master Plan and the Land Use Policies, or (b) the amendment of the Master Plan and the Land Use Policies to the extent necessary to permit the requested rezoning, subject to a determination by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Village Trustees that the requested rezoning adequately addresses the issues identified in policy #3, and following applicable notice, meeting and other legal requirements.


All existing single-family residential lots should have at least one side (front OR rear yard) that is adjacent to a designated open space such as a lake, golf course, or recreational space. The width of the open space area should generally be maximized to the greatest extent practical, but in no event shall such width be less than 100 feet measured from lot line to adjoining residential lot line at the nearest point. The open space area should be designed with landscaping and berming, and the proposed adjoining residential dwellings designed and limited in height all to reduce the visual impact on the existing residential.


Prior to the approval of any rezoning or change to the adopted Future Land Use Master Plan, the following should be addressed:
  • Impacts on the character of existing adjoining residential areas.
  • Development densities, lot sizes, building setbacks, and site and building design standards.
  • Buffering and visual screening of existing residential properties.
  • Stormwater drainage and impacts on downstream properties.
  • Water volume capacity and water quality impacts on Loch Lloyd Lake.
  • Water service and impacts on water pressure.
  • Sanitary sewer service and capacity.
  • Vehicular circulation, traffic volumes, noise and light pollution, and physical impacts on existing streets.
  • Impacts on existing recreational facilities.
  • Proximity to existing or planned recreational facilities.
  • Pedestrian circulation.
  • Preservation of open space, natural features, wildlife, and topographic land forms.

Take the Survey!