Activity #1 Visioning Survey
Take a short survey to tell us more about your vision for Sioux Falls.
The City of Sioux Falls is excited to begin the process of updating its long-range Comprehensive Development Plan to help guide future growth and development in the community. A Comprehensive Development Plan is an essential tool for communities to help prioritize improvements and programs, establish a unified vision for the future, and identify potential partners and opportunities for land development.
It is critical for the City of Sioux Falls to hear directly from residents on the vision they have for the future of their community. This website is one of many engagement opportunities residents and business owners will have to provide input on a vision for the future of Sioux Falls.
For more information about Shape Sioux Falls 2050 Comprehensive Plan, visit
Engagement Activities:
Note, this phase of online engagement has now closed. However, you are able to view the questions asked and some of the feedback received by browsing the links below.
Take a short survey to tell us more about your vision for Sioux Falls.
Drop comments on a map of Sioux Falls to tell us your ideas.
Help us understand how important you feel different emerging trends are in Sioux Falls.
Post an overall idea or image of something you'd like to see in Sioux Falls.
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