About the Project
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has hired a consultant team, led by Confluence, to complete a marina expansion plan for Weigand Marina in the Lewis and Clark State Recreation Area in Crofton, Nebraska. The Statewide Tourism and Recreational Water Access and Resource Sustainability (STAR WARS) Special Committee of the Nebraska State Legislature identified the Weigand Marina as a geographic area with opportunity for economic development, tourism and recreation, flood control, and water sustainability.
This design effort builds upon previous planning work and the project is funded for construction. Design is underway and marina project construction to occur subject to USACE permitting.
View Before and After of the Marina
View Before and After of the Marina
Use the slider tool below to view an image of the Weigand Marina at Lewis & Clark SRA today and the vision for the expansion!
View Different Plan Elements
View Different Plan Elements
Click on the icons on the plan graphic below to learn more about different features on the expansion plan!
View and Enlarge the Weigand Marina Expansion Plan
Before and After Views of New Kayak Launch at Burbach
Before and After Views of New Kayak Launch at Burbach
Use the slider tool below to view before and after views of the New Kayak Launch at Burbach.
Fly-Through Video of Weigand Marina Expansion
Watch a fly-through video of the Weigand Marina Expansion
Sunset Renderings
View sunset renderings from the amenity deck
Operations of the Weigand Marina expansion is still under development, and many decisions are yet to be made, such as
- Policy on reuse of lifts and canopies
- Annual slip holder pricing
- Promotion of sign-up list for new marina
- Trailer parking location and availability
NGPC is still evaluating potential options for these items listed above. Updates will be available in the fall of 2023.
Questions that can be answered at this time include:
- 1. What size slips will be offered in the new marina?
- 2. How wide are the aisles between boat slips?
- 3. What will the height of canopies be in the proposed design?
- Will finger piers between boats be wider than existing?
- Will the four (4) boat ramp lanes meet demand?
- How effective will the floating breakwater be?
- Can existing trees be protected and maintained throughout construction?
- Will there be new RV campground pads provided since first-come-first-serve RV pads will be removed as a part of this expansion?
- How is the marina expansion being funded?
- When will the Weigand Marina expansion be constructed?