
The City of Belton is excited to begin the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan to create a long-term vision for Belton through 2050 and beyond. This roughly process will include many opportunities for public engagement and feedback.

Click through the tabs to learn more about the comprehensive planning process including goals, project schedule, and plan elements.

plan logo

Provide Input on the Future Land Use Plan!

The draft Future Land Use Plan has been added to the map of Belton below. The Future Land Use Plan will be used by the city to help direct growth and development efforts over the next 20-30 years. Each color on the map represents a different Future Land Use category. Please take a few moments to pan through the Future Land Use Plan for Belton and tell us what you like, don't like, or any general comments you may have about the plan.

Future Land Use Plan Legend

To review what each of these Future Land Use categories mean please review this document.

Comment Instructions

Review the DRAFT Belton Comprehensive Plan

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

Comprehensive Plans are future-oriented documents that guide growth and development within a community. Two key components of a comprehensive plan are a thorough existing conditions analysis to understand where the community is today, and the creation of a community vision through public engagement to understand where the community wants to be in the future. Once these pieces are understood, the focus then becomes identifying the strategies, policies, and action items it will take for the community to get there.

Once completed, the Comprehensive Plan should be a useful tool the city uses to make decisions about growth, development, and investments. The public can use the Comprehensive Plan as a guide to better understand the community they live in and see the strategies being employed to improve the quality of life for residents. While the plan will be comprehensive, it is not meant to be a static, unchanging document. The plan should be referenced often, reviewed annually, and updated as needed to better reflective changing community conditions.

Comprehensive Plan Goals

Below are some of the key goals of any comprehensive planning process.

  • Focus future development & public investments

  • Document and analyze community's existing conditions

  • Serve as a community information management tool

  • Establish a set of goals for the future and how to achieve them

  • Actively encourage community involvement from all residents

  • Provide guidance for community decision-making

Planning Process + Schedule

The Belton Comprehensive Plan will be completed in five phases with a projected adoption date of July 2024. We are currently in Phase 4: Draft Plan + Evaluation. We are currently writing the draft chapters and reviewing them with the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee.

This project website will be updated Summer 2024 when the draft plan is ready for public comment.

Project Schedule

Components of a Comprehensive Plan

The outline below highlights major components and additional reports that will be produced as part of the Belton Comprehensive Plan update. This website will be updated again in Phase 4: Draft Plan and Evaluation to showcase the draft plan and gather feedback from the community on the recommendations!
