The Des Moines Area MPO is seeking to create a regional Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP) that will guide the region and local communities toward systemic improvements in roadway safety. The CSAP will need to meet the requirements of the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A), and the process of developing the CSAP is equally important to shift the roadway safety culture in the Des Moines region. The CSAP will create community-based and data-driven recommendations that will strive to eliminate fatal and serious roadway crashes in addition to projects that prioritize equity and could leverage funding and implementation.
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Open House Video
An open house was held from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday, February 10, at the Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), 420 Watson Powell Jr. Way, Suite 200, Des Moines. Below is a video recording of the meeting.
Watch the embedded video below or click here to view the video on YouTube.
What is the Des Moines Area MPO?
The Metropolitan Planning Organization acts as the formal transportation planning body for the greater Des Moines metropolitan area. The planning region is over 500 square miles and includes 16 cities; the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART); four associate, non-voting cities; unincorporated portions of three counties in central Iowa; and one associate, non-voting county. The map below shows the MPO member area.
Visit the Des Moines Area MPO website.
Source: Des Moines Area MPO