
Thank you for visiting the interactive engagement website for Go Outdoors Frederick 2050!



The Town of Frederick has initiated, “Go Outdoors Frederick 2050,” a 25-year system master plan focusing on sustainably and responsibly maintaining, improving and growing the Town’s outdoor recreational assets, including parks, open spaces, public landscapes, trails and Bella Rosa Golf Course. A system master plan is a comprehensive process to investigate, engage the community and create an implementation plan for the long-term future of the Town’s recreational assets.

Frederick’s existing Parks, Open Space and Trails (POST) Master Plan was revised in 2021, based off a major update in 2010. The continuing growth of our community and the implementation of a new Town Comprehensive Plan in 2024, have identified the need to provide for a longer-term update focusing on outdoor recreation. Go Outdoors Frederick is expected to be adopted by the Town’s Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails (PROST) Commission and Board of Trustees in late 2025.

Recent / Upcoming Park Plans + Projects

The Town of Frederick has several projects recently completed or currently underway. Click on each icon below to learn more.



Go Outdoors Frederick 2050 is intended to steward and support system-wide policies alongside long-term and short-term improvements to meet the Community’s 2022-2023 Strategic Plan Goal of “Community and Economic Vitality – Frederick is a community that fosters economic, recreational, cultural and environmental vitality and builds upon and enhances a variety of those opportunities.”

This project identifies the recreation needs of today’s residents, anticipates those of tomorrow, and provides a framework for creating a vibrant system of outdoor recreational assets over the next twenty-five years.

Overall, updating the master plan helps create a more responsive, efficient, and forward-thinking recreational system that better serves the community's needs and aspirations.

Updating the existing POST Master Plan is essential for several key reasons:

  1. Responsible Growth: The Town of Frederick’s population is expected to grow considerably in the next 25 years. As the population grows, the needs and preferences of the community evolve. An updated plan helps ensure that recreational assets align with current and future demands.
  2. Strategic Financial Planning: Economic conditions and funding sources can change over time. This project will help identify and prioritize financial needs for existing and proposed recreational asset maintenance and improvements to ensure our system remains financially sustainable.
  3. Maintaining Existing Assets: All recreational assets require maintenance and replacement in the long-term. How Frederick will prioritize maintaining and improving existing assets alongside constructing new recreational opportunities will be a primary focus of this planning process.
  4. Community Engagement: Using previous community and stakeholder engagement efforts for the Town of Frederick as a basis, this project will establish opportunities for further updates that allow for the incorporation of input and feedback, ensuring that the plan reflects the desires and expectations of residents and visitors.
  5. Recreation Trends: Outdoor recreation trends continue to evolve and emerging trends in recreation, technology, and sustainability might offer new opportunities to enhance services or improve efficiency. An updated plan can incorporate these innovations.
  6. Regulatory and Policy Changes: Staying ahead of regulatory and policy changes will ensure that Frederick stays in-step with surrounding communities and ahead of future development. Changes in local, state, or federal regulations and policies may impact how parks and recreation services are delivered. An updated plan ensures compliance with current standards and guidelines.

Guided by previously adopted plans and informed by the recently completed 2050 Comprehensive Plan, Go Outdoors Frederick 2050 will establish a community vision, develop a strategy to manage existing assets, and identify new opportunities for recreation, conservation, and trail connectivity that are consistent with community needs and projected future growth.

We Want To Hear From You!

  • Map Your Ideas!

    Drop a comment on a map of Frederick to tell us what you'd like to see in the community.

  • Show Us Your Idea

    Have you seen a park elsewhere you think would be great in Frederick? Let us know!