
The City of Lawrence is undertaking a Parks, Recreation, Arts and Culture Comprehensive Plan. Residents are encouraged to get involved to shape the future of the City’s parks, recreation, arts and culture by providing input. The public meeting will provide residents an opportunity to get involved and provide feedback on amenities they would like to see in their parks, the trail locations to be added, and desired recreational programming and culture/performing arts. We appreciate your input and time! The feedback received from this public meeting will be utilized for the City Commission to serve as a guide for the future of Lawrence’s parks, recreation, arts and culture.

We want to hear from you!

Follow below to explore the engagement activities!

Activities include:

  • Mapping - zoom through the city of Lawrence and drop markers and comments with ideas you have, things you want to see more of, and things you want to see less of!
  • Survey - tell us your views on Lawrence's strengths and weaknesses and your ideas for the future!
  • Image Voting - tell us what you think about different development styles relating to parks, recreation, art and open space.

Thank you for participating!

Mapping Activity:

Map Markers Instructions

1. Click the Add Marker button to begin!

2. Place your comment type on the area you have an idea for.

3. Choose your desired comment category.

4. Provide comment if you would like and then click submit!

Lawrence Parks and Recreation: Arts & Culture Program Survey

Image Voting: