Tell us your Preferred Amenities

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Site Amenities

Outdoor Project Area Amenities

Please review the following images of outdoor project amenities to help answer the following questions.

1. Please select your top six (6) desired amenities that are a priority for the Levi Carter Activity and Sports Complex Project. Required
2. SHELTERS: Please choose your preferred style for shelter. Required
3. DECORATIVE PAVING: Please choose your preferred style of paving. Required
4. What detention basin do you prefer for the site? Required

Building Amenities

Indoor Project Area Amenities

Please review the following images of indoor building amenities to help answer the following questions.

5. Please select your top three (3) desired amenities that are a priority for the Levi Carter Activity and Sports Complex Project. Required

Disclaimer: The preferred amenities selected are meant to identity community priorities. A full pricing exercise for the project is needed to understand how these priorities fit within the current budget allocated for the new Activity and Sports Complex and site improvements. As a result, the preferred amenities may or may not be included in the final design. At a minimum, the project must meet the requirements of the grant funding.