Amenity Priorities
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Thank you for visiting the Levi Carter Park Activity and Sports Complex website! Here you will find information about the future project, project schedule, and ways to stay informed and engaged with the project process.
Help shape the future of the Levi Carter Park Activity and Sports Complex by engaging in the following activities and surveys! Engagement activities will remain open until November 19, 2024.
Tell us what amenities should be prioritized for the project site and the building!
We want your input to help build a vision for the future of the Levi Carter Park Activity and Sports Complex!
Review different building and site elements for the indoor and outdoor areas of the complex.
Study Area
Levi Carter Park is located north of Downtown Omaha near Eppley Airfield in North Omaha. Existing amenities within the park include a lake, a pavilion, a playground, a spray ground, basketball courts, volleyball courts and open space. The total park size is approximately 520 acres.
Project Description
The City of Omaha Parks and Recreation is embarking on an
exciting new 100,000 square foot Activity and Sport Complex located
within Levi Carter Park.
Planned Indoor areas for the facility includes:
Planned outdoor areas for the facility includes:
Project Funding
The City of Omaha was successfully awarded two grants through two programs offered by the Nebraska Department of Economic Development (the Quality Census Tract (QCT) Recovery Grant Program and the Multipurpose Community Facilities Program (MCFP)) for the development of a Multipurpose Community Facility that enables work, education and health monitoring.
Future Programming Opportunities and Ideas
If you believe that the Levi Carter Park Activity and Sports Complex can support your organization's programming needs -- such as hosting workshops, sports leagues, or other activities -- please contact Assistant Parks, Recreation, and Public Property Director Dan Seder for more information regarding space availability and scheduling at (402) 444-5900.
General Project Questions
For general questions regarding the Levi Carter Park Activity and Sports Complex project, please contact Park Planner John Williams at (402) 444-5943.
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