The City of Parkville has started the process to review and update its building architectural design standards, and we need your input. The City’s current code regulations can be found here. Most of our building architectural related regulations are found within our three special districts, Old Town District (OTD), Mixed-Density Residential (R-4), and Business Park District (BP).
Please take a moment to complete the engagement exercises below. Thank you!
What should be regulated?
What building designs do you like?
Take a few moments to think about buildings in Parkville that you think have good design
Pan through a map of Parkville and drop a comment over the buildings you think have good design. Click the Add Comment button on the map below to begin!
Exterior Building Material Ranking
There are many types of exterior building materials that can be regulated with Architectural Design Guidelines. Please take a few moments to rank different exterior building material types to help inform updates to the Architectural Design Guidelines.
Be sure to press Submit at the end of the activity!